Residential Development

MCC Development Opportunities


As with many golf clubs, MCC struggles financially. Our club’s facilities and infrastructure are aging and requires investment.

We need an ongoing revenue stream to ensure the future survival and development of the Club.

In recent times, other golf clubs, such as the Gold Creek Country Club in Canberra and the North Lakes Golf Club in Brisbane have announced plans to close all, or a significant portion of their golfing facilities due to the lack of financial sustainability.

Our proposed development impacts on only a small proportion of the over 90 hectares of land on which the golf course is located.

We plan to use proceeds from the development to generate ongoing revenue streams for the Club which will allow us to sustain and enhance our existing 18-hole golf course and associated facilities.


The current Development Committee consists of Lynne O’Brien (Chairperson), Ron Shepherd , Bernie Wilson, Brent Gasnier, Ray Duncan (GM) & Pete Murrell (President).



Since our last update at the end of March, the Club’s Course Design Committee has worked with Ben Davey, our Course architect from Contour Golf Design Group, on options for the course changes and practice facilities.  The group has identified an option which they believe will result in an improved golf course of similar length and par to the existing layout.  It also includes a full-length driving range.  This option is now being “fine-tuned” by Ben in preparation for presentation to members. 

Thanks to Sue Harrison, Donna Chalmers, Ross Lee, Jamie Kemp, Des Desfontaines, Craig Pearson, John Schaeche and Ralph Wittwer who have worked with Ross Oakman and Ben on this. 

The Board and Development Committee have been working with the Knowles group on a high-level site plan for the Club house, Pro shop, cart storage, car parking etc as well as the Aged Care facilities.  

A high level “footprint” is now emerging. 

After ongoing discussions, we have moved away from the idea of a joint RV/MCC clubhouse.  The stand-alone golf clubhouse being considered would be a two-storey building positioned along the edge of the dam.  The top storey would be the clubhouse “proper” and will be around twice the size of our current clubhouse.  The lower storey would house the pro shop, locker rooms and cart storage. 

The Knowles facilities are still under consideration, however, will be built to a similar style to the Golf clubhouse.  The Aged Care Facility (nursing home) and Apartments will each present as two storey buildings to the street (possibly with lower-level storage areas at the rear).  The RV Community Centre and Wellness Centre will most likely be single storey – but will not exceed two.  

As with the course design, the development footprint is now undergoing more detailed consideration and planning in preparation for presentation to members.   

This will include convening our Clubhouse committee (Rod Philpot, Mark Wise, Val Cassidy,

Andrew Barber, Warren James, Mike Houston and Ron Shepherd) to work with the architect Michael Jeffreson in bringing forward a proposal for the internal design of our golf clubhouse. 

Over this period, we will also work with Mark on a layout for the enlarged replacement pro shop, as well as identifying facilities we want to incorporate into the driving range. 

At this stage our plan remains to have this work ready for presentation to members in the latter half of May.


For further information you can contact our Development Committee by filling in the form or contacting Ray Duncan, General Manager on 6296 2888